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WE ARE HIRING! Join our team as the new internship coordinator


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Join our team! Team leader position available at Pijunnaqunga


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WE ARE HIRING! Join our team

We have currently 2 open positions within our team! Please click on the links below to see full descriptions: Pijunnaqunga Recruitment coordinator ...

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WE ARE HIRING! Join our team

August 31, 2021

The Pijunnaqunga team is looking for a Community Liaison Officer in Nunavik! ...

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All travels and internships postponed due to COVID-19

March 16, 2020

Ullakut everybody! A little update related to COVID-19: Pijunnaqunga offices are closed and all tavels and internships have been put on hold until further notice. However, our awesome team keeps working distance to maintain at our best our other service...

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Join our team! – Job offer

November 12, 2018

The Pijunnaqunga team is looking for a Community Liaison Officer. Will it be you? 🙂 See the posting Here ...

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Press Release: Government of Canada provides skills training and job opportunities for young Canadians in the Nunavik region of Quebec

February 20, 2018

February 20, 2018, Kuujjuaq, Quebec ─ Employment and Social Development Canada ...

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Join our team! – Job offer

November 24, 2017

JOIN OUR TEAM! A job position will soon be available within the Pijunnaqunga team. See the internship coordinator job posting here: Pijunnaqunga Internship coordinator job offer_EN   ...

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Pijunnaqunga in the Makivik Magazine!

October 4, 2017

Read the article at page 26 on the Makivik website! ...

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Pijunnaqunga in Nunatsiaq News!

August 30, 2017

New job training program aims to develop competent, capable Nunavik youth Pijunnaqunga will offer paid internships in regional organizations NUNATSIAQ NEWS ...

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Press release: Launch of Pijunnaqunga

August 16, 2017


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May Newsletter

May 1, 2017

In May, the Pijunnaqunga project really started to take shape: the first draft of the Pijunnaqunga Program Guideline was created by the team. This document, intended for participating organizations, outlines the proceedings of the program: what Pijunnaqunga is, the organizational chart, the Pijunnaqunga steps and cycles, the roles of the interns and personnel, the recruitment process and the ...

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April Newsletter

April 1, 2017

April marked the transition from the planning phase to the realization of the Pijunnaqunga project. After several months of preparation, the project started to gain traction with the employment of a full-time team for Pijunnaqunga. The Pijunnaqunga team was established and began working together on April 10th at the Pijunnaqunga office in Montreal (Verdun), right next to the Ivirtv...

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